L A N S I N G . . B Babbitt, Bruce ....................... 136 Babe, Edward ......................... 136 Bailey, Joanne ................... 50, 146 Bailey, Joel ..................... 48, 146 Bailey, Mark ......................... 120 Bain, Gregory ..................... 4, 120 Bain, Judy ........................... 146 Bakala, Linda ........................ 128 Bakalyar, Becky .................. 62, 120 Baker, Kathy ............. 40, 42, 72, 146 Baker, Lucinda ....................... 120 Bakker, Todd ................. 86, 95, 136Baldeshwiler, Donna .............. 64, 136 Baldeshwiler, Mike ................... 147 Baldwin, Brian ........... 78, 84, 97, 128 Baldwin, Eileen ............. 52, 72, 136 Bales, William ....................... 147 Balhan, Nicole ....................... 120 Banach, Larry ........................ 128 Banach, Mark ......................... 128 Banas, Paul .......................... 136 Banta, Kristen ....................... 128 Banet, Pat .............. 44, 64, 66, 136 Banet, William ............ 80, 86, 136 Bantz, Deborah ............... 55, 66, 120
  Baran, Louisa ........................ 128 Baran, Robert ................ 42, 89, 136 Baricevich, Deborah .................. 147 Baricevich, Diane ............ 53, 64, 136 Barker, Kevin ........................ 120 Barker, Todd ......................... 128 Bernard, Sharon ...................... 120 Barnes, Cynthia .................. 63, 136 Barnes, Mark ......................... 136 Barnes, Richard ..................... 136 Bartman, Diane .......... 57, 64, 101, 136 Bartman, Kathryn ..............55, 64, 120 Bartman, Kenneth ..................... 128 Batteson, Thomas ..................... 120
  Bauer, Cynthia ........... 33, 55, 66, 120 Bauer, Debra 14, 40, 58, 72, 118, 147, 180 Bauer, Lynda ............ 52, 64, 147, 181 Baumgardner, Kathy .............. 66, 128 Beardslee, Bryan ..................... 120 Beata, John ..................... 100, 128 Beatty, Kathleen ..................... 147 Beatty, Peggy ........................ 120 Beck, Cynthia ........................ 120 Beck, Gordon ................ 44, 48, 120 Becker, Debra ....................... 120 Becker, Sheryl ....................... 147 Becker, Vickl ........................ 128 Beckman, Elizabeth .................. 128
  Bedell, Clyde ........................ 120 Bedford, Nancy ....................... 128 Begley, Stephen ...................... 120 Behrendt, Colette ................ 51, 128 Behrens, Gary ........................ 136 Beko, Paul ........................... 120 Bell, Mary Gene .......... 57, 64, 66, 128 Bencze, Sandra ....................... 128 Bendell, David ............... 78, 97, 128 Benson, Carol .......... 44, 46, 64, 128 Benson, James ....................... 147 Berda, Martha .................... 17, 136 Berda, Mavourneen ............ 64, 66, 136 Berda, Michael ....................... 128
  Berda, Patricia ...............42, 66, 128 Berg, Glenn .......................... 136 Berglund, Allan .................. 61, 136 Berglund, Richard ................ 50, 147 Bergren, Laurie ...................... 147 Bernard, Joan .................... 62, l20 Bertalan, Ronald ................. 51, 119 Berumen, Diana ...................... 136 Berumen, Robert .......... 78, 92, 93, 128 DECEASED Besse, Nancy ........................ 120 Beswick, Richard .................... 147 Bethmann, Diana ...................... 128 Bettens, Judith ...................... 128 Bieda, Joseph ........................ 128
  Biel, Jeffrey ..... 68, 74, 76, 77, 95, 15 ..................................103, 148 Bierman, Randy ....................... 128 Bilik, Maryanne .................. 50, 148 Bitunjac, Bill ....................... 128 Bivins, Cynthia ................. 44, 120 Black, Shelia ................ 46, 56, 128 Blackwood, Howard ................... 136 Blair, Charles ....................... 128 Blair, Cynthia ....................... 136 Blank, Lucinda ............... 46, 63, 148 Blocker, Douglas ................. 62, 120 Blocker, Kenneth ..................... 148 Bloom, Karin ..................... 64, 128 Boardman, Christine .............. 55, 120
  Boardway, Keith ......... 21, 93, 102, 148 Boardway, Paul ...................... 128 Bobic, Gall .................. 42, 66, 128 Boehm, Lorene ..................., 64, 136 Boender, Dawn .................... 21, 136 Boer, Linda .......................... 120 Bogdan, Debbie .................... 66,128 Bogdan, Kevin ....................... 120 Bogdan, Patricia ..................... 136 Bogus, Barbara ...................... 148 Bogus, Constance ...........44, 46, 64,128 Bojanowski, Peggy .................... 148 Bojczuk, Jim ........................ 128 Boksa, John ...................... 88, 120
  Boksa, Joseph ........................ 128 Bolek, Jerry ......................... 128 Bolton, Dave ........................ 136 Bolton, John ......................... 148 Bonin, Kathy ........................ 120 Bonin, Rosearm ...................... 136 Bonnar, Scott ........................ 148 Booker, Gary ......................... 128 Booker, Jeffrey ...................... 112 Borck, Michelle .................. 64, 136 Borja, Jordan ........................ 128 Borja, Nina .......................... 120 Borys, Bradley ............... 48, 57, 128 Borys, Nelson ........................ 148
  Boss, James ..................... 100, 128 Boss, Nicholas II .................48, 52 Boss, Rosemary .................. 44, 136 Botta, Edward ........................ 128 Bottos, Joann .................... 64, 120 Bottos, Michael ...................... 148 Bouwman, John ........................ 128 Bouwman, Robert ...................... 149 DECEASED Boyd, Carole ................ 44, 46, 136 Boyer, Kathy ............. 52, 58, 66, 136 Bradin, Gary ......................... NP Bradin, Melody ....................... 120 Bragg, Bruce ......................... 136 Bragiel, Karen ....................... 120 Brakley, Cynthia ................. 64, 120
  Bramowicz, Joan ... .................. 120 Brandsma, Glen .................. 60, 128 Braschler, Daniel ..................... 78 Braschler, David ..................... 128 Brazda, Sharon ....................... 120 Brazzale, Laurie .............. 55,66, 120 Brazzle, Cheryl ....................... NP Brennan, Linda ...................... 149 Breshock, Douglas ............ 61, 89, 128 Brewer, James ....................... 136 Breyfogle, Elizabeth ................ 120 Breyfogle, Love ...................... 62 Bricco, Cynthia ...................... 128 Bricco, Diane ........................ 136 Briney, Darlene ..................... 121
  Briney, Donald ....................... 128 Briney, William ..................... 149 DECEASED Bringleson, Robert ................... 149 Brissey, Jocelyn ................. 66, 121 Broadwell, Joe ....................... 136 Brock, Vicky ......................... 136 Brockman, Nancy .......... 42, 55, 66, 121 Brocious, William .................... 128 Brock, Paul ......................... 121 Broholm, Lynn .......64, 66, 128, obituary DECEASED Broomhead, Alan .................. 74, 149 Broomhead, Joe ....................... 121 Broomhead, Marilyn ................... 136 Brown, Timothy ....................... 121
  Brown, Cynthia ....................... 121 Brown, Cynthia ............... 42, 55, 129 Brown, Donna ......................... 136 Brown, Robert ........................ 136 Brown, Sally ......................... 121 Brown, Susan ......................... 149 Brown, Terry ......... 18, 42, 45, 79, 136 Brown, Thomas ........................ 136 Brown, Wayne ......................... 121 Browne, Susan ........................ 121 Broza, Darlene Carter................. 149 Broza, Deborah ....................... 149 DECEASED Broza, Dennis ........................ 121 Brum, Scott ......................79, 121
  Brum, Gary ...(senior)................ 178 DECEASED Brumm, Garry ............. 78, 84, 97, 129 Brunetti, Nanette .................... 149 Brush, Tasker .......82, 94, 129, obituary DECEASED Bucha, Cynthia ...................... 149 Buczkowske, Judy .................. 149 Bulla, Gail .................. 46, 63, 149 Buit, Marvin ........................ 121 Bult, Ruth .......................... 121 Bultge, Joan ................. 46, 52, 136 Bunde, Rebecca .................. 46, 136 Bunde, Richard ....................... 129 Burdelak, Michael ............ 33, 57, 129 Burnell, Steven ...................... 129 Burse, Richard ...................... 136
  Burton, Constance ................ 50, 150 Burton, Diane .................... 66, 121 Bushnell, Scott ..................88, 129 Bushnell, Taryn ...................... 137 Bushnell, Terry ...................... 137 Busich, Jo Ellen ............. 53, 66, 121 Busse, Robin ......................... 137 FACULTY Cynthia Ballard ...................... 109 Cora Belle Beare ..................... 109 William Beckwith ..................... 109 Robert Beizhuizen .................... 109 Mary Beyer ........................... 109 Mildred Binstock ..................... 109 Ruth Blackdekker ..................... 109 Joan Borich .......................... 109 Ernest Brandon ....................... 109 Alice Burczyk ........................ 109 Walter Brown ......................... 109 Roberta Breyfogle .................... 109 STAFF Pat Bielfuss ......................... 114 Elanor Blackman ...................... 114
Thanks for visiting this electronic version of the 1971 Postscript Yearbook. Note: This is not a definitive source on the deceased. I've only indicated those whom I happened to hear about during the last couple of years.