Drama at T.F. South

poker with Ron Relic and Seymour Ron Relic & Bill Hastings
Bill Hastings, Carol Haduch, & Matha Berda Ron Relic

Felix overdose played by Bill Hastings TOP LEFT: Ron Relic portraying the role of Oscar Madison, offers the boys of the weekly poker game a few snacks. TOP RIGHT: Felix Unger, played by Bill Hastings, attempts a retaliation with Oscar. CENTER LEFT: Felix finds two shoulders to cry on when he relates his sob story to the Pigeon sisters, as portrayed by Carol Haduch, center and Martha Berda, right. CENTER RIGHT: Oscar finds communcation with his ex-wife difficult, especially when he talks into the wrong end of the phone. BOTTOM: Felix finds himself the center of attraction after he announces that he has just swallowed a whole bottle of pills.

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