16. Laurel Smith
17. Phyllis Loferski
18. Harris Swets
19. Cherie Winkler

20. Donna Traver
21. Kathy Welch
22. Roberta Porter

23. Jeff Hamblin
24. Mary Slattery
25. Glen Cox
26. Valerie Pazik

    The aspirations of almost every Rebel chorus member is to gain a position in the most advanced choral groups at T.F. South -- the Triple Sextette and the Meistersingers. The twelve senior and six junior girls who make up the Triple Sextette are under the direction of Mrs. Fuka and entertain at a number of social functions such as the Big 'n Little Sister Party, Homecoming Coronation, and before senior citizens and veterans. The Meistersingers, who are led by Mr. Brandon, perform at relatively the same affairs. The two choruses often combine their skills to form a beautifully toned, entertaining group.


"Way up high go candied cherries, glistening like Christmas berries" sang the Triple Sextette as they baked a fruit cake at the Christmas choral concert.

[Note from Mark, the webmaster: If the Sextette or Meistersinger you are looking for is not pictured on this page, he or she may be on page 58.]

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