Legacy Face-by-Number Finder. Just hover your mouse pointer near a face to see the student's name.

1. Kathy Boyer
2. Greg Wolff
3. Pam Miller
4. Maris Napoli

5. Frank Hulzenga
6. Beth Peters
7. Renee Kmak

8. Mark Carlberg
9. Alice Zorka
10. Jeanne Mitchell
11. Steve McGilvery

12. Sue Harshbarger
13. Barb Higbee
14. Ray Johnson
15. Debbie Bauer

[Note from Mark, the webmaster: If the Sextette or Meistersinger you are looking for is not pictured on this page, he or she may be on page 59.]

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(See students' names merely by waving the mouse near the face)

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