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Concert Choir
Face by Number Helper.

    The high caliber of T. F. South's music department is again proven by the performance of the group of underclassmen known as the Concert Choir. Under the leadership of Mr. Brandon, the chorus has sung at the Museum of Science and industry in a special Christmas program, and has performed on tour at neighboring schools.

1. Patty McHugh
2. Debbie Maat
3. Linda VanNoort
4. Peggy Clooman
5. Laurel Hook
6. Bunny Alexander
7. Karen Aurich
8. Mory Bell
9. Diane Langmeyer

10. Anita Zion
11. Lynn Vanderzee
12. Pam Winterhoff
13. Colette Behrendt
14. Diane Bartman
15. Debbie Aring
16. Kathy Hassig
17. Leslie Trisehank
18. Cheryl Jones

19. Kathy Dichardson
20. Robert Roy
21. Phil Wink
22. Brad Borys
23. Bob Moffat
24. Dave Robinson
25. Scott Osborne
26. Jon Novotny
27. Mike Burdelak

28. Bill Zeigler
29. Kurt Wachter
30. Dave Wasson
31. Nancy Peterson
32. Mary Johnson
33. Lou Schneider
34. Ted Tuscon

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