Just hover your mouse pointer near a student's face in order to identify. x
. Don Zebrauskas (First Vice-President
People Finder

    As its list of activities of the past year indicates, the Key Club has truly practiced the good-neighbor policy. The year saw the boys staging a Halloween party and bowling tournament for Special Education students, sponsoring a soap drive to aid the mentally ill, and constructing podiums and signs for the school.

1. Don Zebrauskas (First Vice-President)
2. Mike Wallace
3. Glen Sinkus
4. Jeff Skockey
5. Scott Highland

6. Kurt Wachter
7. Kirk Winterhoff
8. Mark Koenigs (Secretary)
9. John Posworski (Treasurer)
10 Tim Nowaczyk
11 Linsay Vanderby

12 Dave Hansen
13 Bob Krilich
14 Brad Hotz (President)
15 Terry Wright
16 Kerry Moeller
17 Bob Paswinski

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(see students names merely by waving the mouse near the face)

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