8. Carrie Halsey (FNA)
9. Diane Grenko (FNA)
10. Diane Miller (FNA)
11. Sharon Kubic (FNA)
12. Marilyn Vickers (FTA)
20. Laurel Smith (FBLA)
21. Regis Gilman (FBLA)
22. Tina Demetris (FTA)
23. Debbie Watson (FNA)
24. Denise Tubich (FNA)
25. Mary Sebahar (FTA)
26. Kathy Richardson (FTA)
27. Bicky Davis (FNA)
37. Carol Sowa
38. Joan Bultge (FBLA)
39. Kathy Varga (FTA;FBLA)
40. Sherry Gravel (FBLA)
41. Lillian Wanshula (FNA)
42. Carol Benson (FNA)
43. Sue Fehlberg (FTA)
44. Marcy Schultz (FTA)
FTA President Cindy Blank outlines plans for Future
Teacher Week.
Future Business Leaders of America
Future Teachers of America, and
Future Nurses of America
FTA, or Future Teachers of America, had a busy
schedule for the '70-'71 school year. The officers
attended a planning meeting for LAFTA, the state
organization in the fall. The members were involved
in the Saturday Saturation Program, and in student
teaching at the area grade schools. Only junior and
senior girls with a "C" average or better could
The Future Nurses of America visited several
hospitals during the year, went toboganning, and at
Christmas, bought gift certificates for two needy
families. The meetings often had guest speakers,
among them a Navy nurse and a veternarian.
FBLA, The Future Business Leaders of America,
again sponsored a successful Homecoming Dance, "A
Time for Us." During the year they had guest speakers at the
monthy meetings to learn more about
business careers.