The Junior Honor Society. L to R: Dave Krauszowski, Scott Gough, John Cail, Kathy
Varga, Janet Wrezinski, Jim Rosinia, Janet Sterbenc, Art Wiers, Ann Reppen, and Judy Esau.
Valerie Cragel seated, utlizes the help offered by NHS tutor, Kathy Vargas.
On November 18, 1970, ten members of
the Class of 1972 attained one of the highest
academic honors possible for a junior at T.F.
South. At that time, the realization of an
ambition was achieved as the ten were initiated
into the Junior Honor Society. They will
continue to exhibit the hard work and service
which gained them the award, next year when
they assume the responsibility of organizing
the 1971 NHS installation.