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We, the Class of 1970, in memory of Bruce Maxeiner, award this plaque to a boy who has shown himself outstanding in leadership and citizenchip, and has shown himself beneficial to his class during his freshman year.

Rober Bruce Maxeiner passed away on August 25, 1967. As a Freshman, he played on the football teams, Bruce also served as Freshman class president. His cheerful attitude towards life has been deeply missed by his friends and fellow students.


After 31 years of teaching at the Thorton Fractional South schools, Miss Temple will be making this year her last. Prior to teaching at the high schools, Miss Temple taught at the public schools in Calumeyt City for 11 years. Upon retiring, Miss Temple will be able to do all the things she always wanted to do. We will always remember this dedicated teacher for her devotion and loyalty to the students.

Earlier this year, Garry McLaughlin, a junior, passed away at St. Margaret Hospital in Hammond, Indiana. He suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage Garry was a very active member of Key Club. His main concern was to help other people. The class of '71, as well as the rest of the student body, realize they have lost a loyal Rebel.

This is the Postscript © Yearbook of Thornton Fractional South High school in Lansing, IL during the 1969-1970 season.

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