1969 TFS Postscript Yearbook p002000b | Growing Adolescent | South History | Table of Contents | In Dedication To | Activities | Fleurs de Paris Prom |![]()
For there is no team that makes them squeam
like our fightin', feuding Rebels.
Fight rough, fight tough,
Let's win tonight you Rebels.
Fight right, with might,
Let's win tonight you Rebels.
The first Homecoming was in the fall of I960, but the
first Homecoming queen, Janet Day, did not reign until
1961. Homecoming was sponsored by the new Student
Council which had grown from the Presidential Advisory
Board that had first been organized at the split.
South Clubs organized quickly during the first years.
Mrs. Ruth Hale Canaga sponsored the first chapter of
the National Honor Society which also bore her name.
Girls' Club transferred from North with a complete
board headed by Gail Emlund who had been Vice-
President at North. The club was sponsored by Miss
Janet Wenzell. When North's Girls' Athletic Club
(GAC) branched to South it became affiliated w i th the
national organization and became GAA. The 1959-60
school year saw the beginnings of FTA, FBLA, Pep
Club, and hall monitors. Unique to South were Spanish
Club, German Club, and Russian Club. |
This is the HTML version of the 1969 Postscript Yearbook for Thornton Fractional South High School in Lansing, Illinois. 1968 Index | Table of Contents | 1969 Index | 1970 Index | 1971 (Home) |