16. Claudia Wegrezyn (French)
17. Shirley Newman (Spanish)
18. Shirley Newman (Spanish)
19. Diane Rinella (Spanish)
20. Cindy Bevins (Spanish)
21. Sue Corriere (Latin)
22. Pal Elman (Spanish)
23. Kathy Palasz (Spanish)
24. Vicky Hamilton (Latin)
25. Jackie Johnson (Latin)
26. Shirly Olsen (Spanish)
27. Gordon Beck (French)
17. Linda Strahl (French)
18. Jackie Gilman (Spanish)
19. Sandy Coffman (Latin)
20. Judy Hairgrove (Latin)
21. Nancy Lafollette (French)
22. Bobbie Lininger (French)
23. Lynn Pluskota (Latin)
24. Tina Demetris (Spanish)
25. Mary Cronin (French)
26. Mary Kurderka (Spanish)
27. Mary Jo Wescott (Latin)
28. Carol Victor (Russian)
29. Kim Nemitz (French)
30. Adrienne Pranske (Spanish)
31. Lauren Hoge (Latin)
18. Barb Tobin (Spanish)
19. Janet Sartini (French)
20. Adria Hill (Spanish)
21. Mary Pranger (French)
22. Ron Fields (Spanish)
23. William Mitchell (Spanish)
24. John Maurine (Spanish)
25. Bob Parrent (Spanish)
26. Jackie Gilman (Spanish)
27. Rosemary Ziteck (Pres:Spanish)
28. Debbie Hotz (Spanish)
29. Connie Bogus (Latin)
30. Denis Marich (Spanish)
31. Gary Warfel (Spanish)
32. Mark Lisneck (Spanish)
33. Richard Jones (French)
French students Marilyn Ditter and Terry Brown prepare French cuisine for the International Christmas Party.
Russian, Latin, French, Spanish and German Club
The main purpose of the language clubs is to
stimulate interest in foreign peoples and to gain an
understanding of their customs and their languages.
During the year, the clubs have many activities.
One of these is the International Christmas Party in
which all the clubs cooperate to present the food and
customs of their country to the others. Other activities
include field trips, movies, lectures, guest speakers,
and banquets.