Publications People Finder

Among the many educational activities which are available to the students of T.F. South are those dealing with publications and journalism. Through the mediums of a bi-weekly newspaper (The Rebel Rouser) a yearbook (The Postscript), and a guidebook (The Confederate), T. F. students are able to communicate the skills they have learned in journalism with the rest of the student body.

1. Becky Hill, Activities Editor - Postscript
2. Terri Elmann, Advertising Manager - Postscript
3. Carol Michalak, Co-Editor - Postscript
4. Ron Snyder, Assistnat Sports Editor - Postscript
5. Felisha Cossler, Co-Editor - Postscript
6. John Fisher, Co-Editor - Rebel Rouser
7. Lynda Willer, Co-Editor - Revbel Rouser
8. Rhonda Strahl, Indexer - Postscript
9. Mr. Hyde, adviser
10. Debbie Sowinski, Senior Editor - Postscript

Diane Galanis, Underclass Editor - Postscript
John Padjen, Sports Editor - Postscript
Larry Fields, Photographer
Ron Fields, Photographer
Tim Koselke, Sports Editor - Rebel Rouser

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