p145 VARSITY TENNIS - TFS Postscript Yearbook 1968

Varsity Track | Track in Action | Varsity Baseball Team | Baseball in Action | Sophomore Baseball | Varsity Tennis | GOLF
Caption on Page 145:

R. Widstrand, B. Mathews, D. Reece, A. Greenfield, J. Fritz, J. Brown, C. Wiedman, G. Flora, Mgr. J. Klebs, Coach C. Dickenson.

Mr. Dickenson, Craig Shropshire, Harold Junker, R. Peterson, R. Alderden, Don Riecss, Vern Werner, Tom Hedges.

This is the HTML version of the 1968 Postscript Yearbook for Thornton Fractional South High School in Lansing, Illinois.
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