p47 SENIORS - TFS Postscript Yearbook 1968

Abe-And | Aur-Ber | Bic-Cam | Car-Dav | Dav-Dud | Dug-Fle | Flo-Gle | Gob-Hal | Hal-Hen | Hin-Jon | Jon-Kos | Kov-Lud | Lut-Max | McC-Mor | Mor-Pad | Pal-Pil | Poe-Rob | Roo-Sch | Sch-Spe | Spo-Ter | Tho-Van | Van-Whi | Wid-Zei | Zen-Zyg | p48 | JUNIORS
Pictured on Page 47: 


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CATHY BERGERON—General Office 1, 2, 3; Activities room 2, 3; D.E. 4.

MIKE ELLIOTT Spanish Club 1; D.O. 3.

BOB FREY—Football 3, 4; Letter 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2; Letter 1,2;
Basketball 1,2,3, 4; Letter 1,2,3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Letter 1, 2,
3, 4; Letterman's Club 3, 4; Vice-president 4; Freshman Boys Chorus;
i .Gym leader 4; Foliies 2; Prom committee 3.

BRENDA FRYE—Transferred from Morton High School in senior year;
Student Council 1, 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Student assistant 2; National
Thespian Society 1; Cheerleader 3; Clothing Club 3.

PAT HALLOW—Student Council 1, 2; Freshman Girls Chorus; Gym
assistant 2.

MIKE MAC DOUGALL "Bam Bam Milo"—Swim 1, 2, 3, 4; Letter 1, 2, 3,
4; Rebel Rouser Staff 3, 4; Gym leader 2, 3.

DEBBIE MOSS "Maude"—Twirler 2, 3; Follies 4.

ERIC WATTERSON "Animal"—Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Letter 1, 2, 3, 4;
Wrestling 1,2,3; Letter 1,2; Track 1,2, 4; Letter 1,2, 4; Letterman's
Club 4.

S&UOM, Reflect
School Policy
Our diminishing class
Paula Parker's acting
Debbie Cable's sweetness
Dwyer's hard football
Tom Kirsch's BB points
Mrs. Beare's tests
Mike Karson as Mickey Carson
Mr. Beckwith's paddle
Eddie Steinweg's organization
Our Senior Class Gift

This is the HTML version of the 1968 Postscript Yearbook for Thornton Fractional South High School in Lansing, Illinois.
Table of Contents | 1968 Index | 1969 Index | 1970 Index | 1971 (Home)