REAVIS Elementary School 1964 Feeder For Thornton Fractional South


This is Mark's fifth grade class in Reavis, 1964.
Row One: Jerry Garzer?, Richard Felle, Karen Kobesica, Philip Newberg, Debra Hill, Dave Palenic.
Row Two: (By Window):Unknown gal, Kathy Baker, Richard Steere, Peggy Jensen, Ted Cooper, Joan Leonard, Mark Valco.
Row Three: (By Bulletin Board): Jeannie Lively, Bill Hohman, Marilyn Ditter, Unknown Gal.
Row Four (Standing by Window): Unknown guy, Barb Smirnoitis, Ken Rahn, Janice Waugh, Darlene Broza, Teacher?, Unknown Guy, Brenda Gardner.
Also Standing (by Bulletin Board): Unknown Guy, Unknown Guy, Tom Gosceij?, Unknown Gal.

Index 1971 | Index 1970 | Rebel Rousers 70 thru 71 | Reavis 1 | Reavis 2 | Reavis 3 | Reavis 4 | Eisenhower 1 | Eisenhower 2 | Eisenhower 3 | Eisenhower 4 | Eisenhower 5 | Eisenhower 6

If you have grade school class pictures that you'd like to share, please email them to Eventually I will tag the photos with names. If you know all the names, please insert them in the email.

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help1 Richard Felle Richard Steere Phillip Newberg? Mark Valco D. Broza Barb Smirnoitis Dave Palenic Marilyn Ditter Bill Hohman Brenda Gardner Peggy Jensen Ken Rahn Janice Waugh help2 help3 Kathy Baker? Ted Cooper Karen Kobesica Debra Hill Jeannie Lively Tom Gosiej? Joan Leonard? Teacher