CLASS OF 1970:Vanderby - WedenojaJUNIORS Ald-Bed Beg-Bro Bro-Cro Cus-Dor Dor-Fen Fer-Gra Gre-Has Hay-Jab Jab-Kat Kaz-Kos Kos-Lie Lin-Mar Mau-Mul Mur-Pan Par-Pri Raa-Sas Sau-Ski Sla-Ste Ste-Van Van-Wed Wen-Zan Zar-Zup P152 |
Findlay Vanderby - JV Band 1,2; Varsity 2,3,4; Hall Monitor 2; Boys Club 2; Lettermens Club 3,4; Follies 2,34; Football 1; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Letter 3,4. |
Brenda Van Drie - JV Band 1; Varsity 2,3,4; FBLA 3,4; FTA 1; Spanish Club 1,2; NHS 4. |
John Van Drie - French Club 3; German Club 2; LAAS 4; Key Club 1,2,3; Treasuer 3; Speech 1,2,3,4; NFI 1,2,3,4; Tour Play 1; Stage Crew 1; Baseball Manager 2,3,4; Letter 3,4; Junior Honor Society 3; NHS 4; Graduation Participant 3. |
Elizabeth Van Gorp - Genneral Office 1; Speech 2; Freshman Girls Chorus; Sophomore Mixed Chorus; Pep Club 1; Concert Choir 3; OO 4. |
David Van Milligen - JV Band 1,2; Library Assistant 3,4; French Club 1,2; FBLA 4; FTA 4; Swim Timer 1. |
Joyce Van Milligen - JV Band 1,2; Band 1,2; Library Assistant 3,4; French Club 1,2; FBLA 4; FTA 4; Swim Timer 1. |
Gary Van Noort |
Therese Vignone - Transferred from Bishop Noll in 1968; PE Assistant 3; Terrapin Club 4; GAA 4; Girls Tennis Team 4; Swim Timer 4. |
Harold Vos |
Michael Wachowski - Gym Leader 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2,3. |
Josephine Wade - Exchange Student from Ireland; DC 4; CAO 4; Tour Play 4; GAA 4. |
Robbie Wagner - Transferred from Mendel High School in 1966. @ |
Lewis Walter |
Darryl Warburton - Lettermens Club 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Letter 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Letter 1,2,3,4; NHS 4. |
Michael Warfel - Varsity Band 1,2,34; Stage Band 1,2,3,4; Drum Major 4; President 4; Latin Club 1,2; Cross Country 2,3,4; Letter 2,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Letter 1,2,4; Wrestling 2,3,4; Letter 2,4; Junior Honor Society; NHS 4; President 4; Graduation Participant 3; Homecoming King Candidate 4; Lettermens Club 4. |
Vivian Washburn - Terrapin 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 1. |
Elizabeth Wasson - Library Assistant 1. |
Margo Watkins - Transferred from TF North in 1969. PE Assistant. |
Roberta Watts - Dean;s Office 2; PE Assistant 1,2,3,4; GAA 1,2,3,4. |
Nancy Wedenoja - Transferred from John Glenn High School in 1969; Varsity Band 2,3; French Club 1,2; FNC 2,3,4; President 3; DC 4; Rebel Rouser Staff 4; Junior Honor Society; NHS 4; CAO 4. |
This is the Digital Version of the Postscript © Yearbook of Thornton Fractional South High school in Lansing, IL during the 1969-1970 season. |